
Google This! Search Term Haiku #3

“The poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheese.”–Gilbert K. Chesterton

While poems about cheese may be few and far between, there is no shortage of cheesy poetry, especially on the web.  Far be it for me to not to jump on that band wagon.  So, until some cheese-related phrases start turning up in my search terms, I’ll have to settle for cheesy.  You, like the chickens at left, are more than free to ignore me. The rules, once again, for search term haiku, are as follows:

  1. Every phrase must come from search terms actually used to find this blog, per my WordPress stats page.
  2. The poems must follow the accepted Anglicized format of the traditional Japanese art form: three lines of 5, 7 and 5 syllables respectively.
  3. Each line must constitute an actual individual search term phrase, verbatim.  The only changes allowed are punctuation and truncation.  (Phrases may be taken from within search terms).
  4. Words may not be changed or rearranged. Typos and misspellings must not be corrected.
  5. Phrases may be combined or extended to multiple lines, as long as the previous four conditions are met.

When you are done ignoring the haiku below, you can ignore more of them here.  These were a bit harder to construct, folks.  Cheesy search term haiku requires cheesy search terms queries;  get out there and throw me some Gouda.

Tacky Education

Vinyl lettering

education wallpaper

of Mark Twain quotes


Three Course Meal

Dog swallowed brillo,

a veterinarian

and Schrödinger’s Cat


Meow vs. Woof

How to count like cat?

My schipperke is clever

physics equation.


Existential Stench

I am alone in

Millard Fillmore’s Bathtub blog

with Pepe Le Pou*


Equation #2

Real life example

of Lindsay Lohan cup size

celebrity meme.




Signature   @MarkSackler


  1. Nice idea, and I love that cartoon.
    And I have to think about writing poetry about cheese! 🙂

  2. Crash MacDuff says:

    Reblogged this on rxmacduff.

  3. You have far too much time on your hands…but then you use that time so well.

  4. Shoot. My search terms just don’t fit. But I did have the word “cheese” once. Can I get away with this?

    cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese
    cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese
    cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese

  5. Oh my … still chuckling over Lindsey Lohan’s cup size and a vision of you and Pepe Le Pou in Millard Fillmore’s bathtub. Absolutely made my day!

  6. Terrific – again! I like in particular the tacky ‘eductation’ (esp. the spelling). I admit I had to google for schipperke. I should have expected it to be some sort of animal of course.
    It seems the dog-brillo problem is quite common? (As are mice in the microwave, concluding from my search terms.)
    Actually my search terms of the second quarter are still waiting for poetification – but after reading this I am not sure if my rather mundane poem will ever see the light of day.

    • Well if Googlers can have typos and misspellings, so can I. The dog thing is not super common, but my wife has seen it twice in 30 plus years of vetting, so we know it isn’t unique. On the other had, making it into a haiku is probably a world first! You are still my muse of Geek Poetry, Elke, no matter what else you publish. 😀

  7. this is so bad I almost hit “un follow”.


  1. […] Mark Sackler at Millennium Conjectures is making haiku verses from the search terms used on his blog.  Haiku has some firm rules anyway, and this makes the challenge all the greater. […]

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